Special economic zones: Challenges and opportunities

Tempo de leitura: menos de 1 minuto

World Investment Forum 2018, October 22-26, Geneva, Switzerland

Special economic zones have been mushroomed over the past decades. UNCTAD estimates that there are over 4800 SEZs worldwide. Free and Special Economic Zones can be important incubators for supporting the attainment of the SDGs and could play a role in the digitalization of the economy.

In this conference, organized with FEMOZA, lessons learned for designing the right infrastructure, facilitation services, and incentives, creating economies of scale and promoting transfer of technology in the zones will be shared and synthesized for developing zone models that can be adopted and adapted to individual countries’ needs.

Issues for the debate:

  • SEZs and the SDGs: best practices
  • The role of SEZs in the digitalization of the economy
  • Lessons for policy making

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