abril 2020

Oxigênio para hospitais é produzido na ZPE Ceará

Oxigênio para hospitais é produzido na ZPE Ceará

2 minutos A Zona de Processamento de Exportação do Ceará, empresa subsidiária do Complexo do Pecém, tem instalada em suas dependências uma das maiores plantas da White Martins na América Latina. Com capacidade superior a duas mil toneladas de gases por dia, a empresa atende a setores essenciais para a população, com a produção de gases para a saúde. Entre os gases produzidos, existem os que são especificamente utilizados na área da saúde e que abastecem hospitais por todo o Norte e Nordeste do Continue lendo

Two things that can rescue the world when the COVID-19 pandemic is over

Two things that can rescue the world when the COVID-19 pandemic is over

2 minutos It is difficult to know what the fallout of the COVID-19 crisis is going to be, especially since the toll in human life is, at this point, unknowable. The response has generally been to quarantine people at home and bring their daily lives, including work, to a dead stop. To mitigate the economic pain this will cause, the US government has passed a relief bill with a price tag of war-like proportions. However, ceasing economic activity has dire consequences. Economic activity is Continue lendo

Emerging economies under increasing pressure – economic slump in free zones

Emerging economies under increasing pressure – economic slump in free zones

1 minuto A survey conducted by the Kiel Institute among the approximately 5,000 special economic zones worldwide provides evidence of drastic economic losses as a consequence of the corona pandemic. This is further indication of the increasing risk of severe recession in emerging economies or even sovereign defaults.The survey conducted at the end of March and in the beginning of April by the Kiel Institute in cooperation with the World Free Zones Organization shows that more than 90 percent of the special economic zones Continue lendo

World FZO 6th AICE 2020 Online Event – Free Registration

World FZO 6th AICE 2020 Online Event – Free Registration

menos de 1 minuto The World FZO sixth Annual International Conference (AICE), the year’s single most important global forum for free zone stakeholders, is the first global conference to go online from Dubai, featuring world-class caliber experts, academics, and senior policy makers as they come together to examine the most effective solutions that free zones can access in the face of new challenges in a rapidly changing industry landscape.  This online event features the five panel discussions of the event’s plenary sessions available around Continue lendo

Impact of COVID-19 on the special economic zones – India

Impact of COVID-19 on the special economic zones – India

2 minutos India has been touted as the next global manufacturing hub. Moreover, COVID-19 offers a unique proposition to investors and companies to invest and manufacture here. Also, the industries have a good opportunity to export their products to the world, besides supplying to the growing domestic market. According to the UBS report, India continues to be among the top destinations in Asia for manufacturing shift. Also, a recent report by the Government states that Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have continued to lead in Continue lendo