
Evaluation and Revival of Special Economic Zones in India

Evaluation and Revival of Special Economic Zones in India

7 minutos On introduction of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India, it was feared that these SEZs may become Special Eviction Zones or Special Exploitation Zones. It was due to concerns regarding acquisition of land for SEZs and resultant displacement of people, and concerns regarding exploitation of labour in units set up in SEZs due to interpretation of the word – ‘foreign territory’ while describing SEZ. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is considered a specially delineated duty-free enclave, deemed to be foreign territory for the Continue lendo

Exploring The Influencing Factors: Proposing A Framework For Export Processing Zones Across South Asia

Exploring The Influencing Factors: Proposing A Framework For Export Processing Zones Across South Asia

menos de 1 minuto AbstractThis research aims to assess the performance and success factors of established EPZsin SAARC countries. The study period ranges between 2012 and 2022 based on anannual frequency balanced panel data of Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka,and the panel fixed-effect OLS analysis was used for hypothesis testing usingEViews. The results showed that the natural logarithm of external debt has apositively significant effect on export performance. Ease of doing business has apositively significant effect on export performance. Law and Order and Continue lendo

The Global Minimum Tax and Special Economic Zones

The Global Minimum Tax and Special Economic Zones

1 minuto Introduction The Pillar Two global anti-base erosion (GloBE) rules were proposed as a tool to ensure thatlarge multinational enterprises (MNEs) pay a minimum level of tax in each jurisdiction wherethey operate (OECD, 2023). The rules require that MNE Groups with an annual consolidatedrevenue of more than EUR 750 million calculate their income, the taxes paid on that income,and determine the effective tax rate (ETR) incurred in each jurisdiction (OECD, 2023).Where the ETR amounts to less than the 15% minimum rate, the MNE Continue lendo

Matching comparative advantages to special economic zones forsustainable industrialization

Matching comparative advantages to special economic zones forsustainable industrialization

1 minuto Abstract African countries are consistently trying to leverage industrialization to advance their economic development. Despite possessing favorable factors such as abundant natural resources, a surplus of low-cost labor, and an increasing number of established Special Economic Zones (SEZs), African countries are yet to fully maximize their potential and achieve sustainable and inclusive industrialization. This study explores the comparative advantages of African countries to determine the types of SEZs that can effectively accelerate industrialization. By leveraging the unique strengths and resources of each Continue lendo

Exploring Saudi Arabia’s special economic zones

Exploring Saudi Arabia’s special economic zones

9 minutos Driven by Vision 2030, the economy in Saudi Arabia has rapidly transformed in recent years with a focus on diversification and attracting foreign investment. Part of this transformation includes the establishment of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), an initiative designed to offer unique incentives, infrastructure and regulatory frameworks for investors looking to set up operations in KSA.  If you’re looking at expanding your business into Saudi Arabia, here is everything you need to know about the special economic zones. What are Special Economic Continue lendo