
Approval Requirements Waived For Setting Up Wind Turbines In SEZs And EOUs

Approval Requirements Waived For Setting Up Wind Turbines In SEZs And EOUs

2 minutos The government’s decision to exempt businesses from the approval requirements for setting up wind turbine units has come as a shot in the arm for the renewable energy sector. The move is expected to support the energy needs of manufacturing units in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Export-Oriented Units (EOUs). The exemption will help industries set up new wind turbine units, add to the existing renewable energy capacity, and accelerate efforts towards energy transition in India. Renewable energy plants located in special Continue lendo

Work From Home for SEZs

Work From Home for SEZs

6 minutos Since the COVID-19 pandemic, companies have continued to benefit from customs waivers which have facilitated the implementation of work-from-home measures by developers and occupants of special economic zones. The Jamaica Special Economic Zone Authority (“JSEZA”) has communicated to SEZ stakeholders that the customs waiver facilitating SEZ work-from-home arrangements will expire on June 30, 2024 and so, unless the waiver is extended,  developers and occupants must apply to JSEZA for authorization to continue, or implement, work-from-home arrangements.  Foundational Obligation  SEZs are geographical areas Continue lendo

Special economic zones – an instrument for industrialization andthe development of skills in Central Africa

Special economic zones – an instrument for industrialization andthe development of skills in Central Africa

1 minuto Prepared by Subregional Office for Central Africa, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) This policy brief is based on a research project on skills for economicdiversification developed by the ECA Subregional Office for Central Africa. It highlightsthe ambitions of and the challenges faced by countries in Central Africa in their effortsaimed at promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and developing technicalskills in the subregion, following the commitments of the Douala Consensus in 2017.1 The policy brief has an emphasis on the role that special Continue lendo

Uma semana de grandes esperanças

Uma semana de grandes esperanças

5 minutos Por José Reinaldo Tavares Desde agosto do ano passado que a SEDEPE abriu um diálogo firme com mister Wesley Paul, um grande empresário global. O José Domingues, um experiente integrante da equipe que liderou na SEDEPE, foi designado por mim para dialogar com o mister Paul, o que fez com grande competência e dedicação, até culminar com a vinda dele ao Maranhão, o que aconteceu semana passada. Tudo começou a partir de uma indicação do empresário luso-brasileiro, Paulo Salvador, que já vinha Continue lendo

O impacto da reforma tributária no comércio exterior (parte 1)

O impacto da reforma tributária no comércio exterior (parte 1)

14 minutos Liziane Angelotti Meira Em artigos anteriores aqui no Território Aduaneiro, [1] já se discorreu sobre alguns aspectos da reforma tributária. Contudo, neste momento em que o Projeto de Lei Complementar (PLP) nº 68/2024 [2] foi recebido na Câmara dos Deputados e deve ser votado ainda no primeiro semestre deste ano, a questão se apresenta candente e precisamos dedicar mais atenção aos efeitos dessas mudanças sobre a tributação do comércio exterior. Por isso, propomos aqui uma série sobre o tema, iniciando com a Continue lendo