Porto deve voltar a operar no primeiro semestre em Cáceres – Mato Grosso

Porto deve voltar a operar no primeiro semestre em Cáceres – Mato Grosso

3 minutos Depois de quase oito anos desativado, o Porto Fluvial de Cáceres deve voltar a operar no primeiro semestre de 2020. A promessa é do governador Mauro Mendes (DEM). O porto funcionou até o ano de 2012, quando o contrato de licitação chegou ao fim. A retomada das atividades proporcionará ganhos econômicos para a região Oeste. Além do porto, Cáceres também aguarda a conclusão dos estudos para o funcionamento da Zona de Processamento e Exportação (ZPE) e a regulamentação do Free Shop. “Fechamos Continue lendo

Kenya eases special economic zone rules to woo investments

Kenya eases special economic zone rules to woo investments

menos de 1 minuto Kenya has expanded and simplified tax incentives it offers for investment in special economic zones (SEZs) in a bid to attract investment into those zones, the Industrialisation ministry said. The ministry said in a notice the new regulations would “provide clarity on the operations of various actors, including to guide the movement of people, goods and services within the special economic zones.” The SEZs are designated areas aimed at promoting and facilitating export-oriented investments. Observers have raised concerns that Kenya Continue lendo

Des infrastructures logistiques qui favorisent la croissance – Djibouti

Des infrastructures logistiques qui favorisent la croissance – Djibouti

1 minuto Les projets d’infrastructures dans les domaines du transport et de la logistique jouent depuis longtemps un rôle primordial dans l’expansion économique du pays, une tendance qui s’est poursuivie en 2019. Au mois de novembre a eu lieu l’inauguration officielle d’une route reliant le Port de Tadjourah au nord-est de l’Ethiopie, un chantier qui aura nécessité un investissement de 159 millions de dollars. La route, qui s’étend sur 80 km et a été financée par le Fonds Koweitien de Développement Economique Arabe, permettra d’acheminer Continue lendo

Government to allow SEZ services’ units to accept payments in rupee from DTA players – India

Government to allow SEZ services’ units to accept payments in rupee from DTA players – India

menos de 1 minuto At present, domestic firms are required to pay in foreign exchange for services rendered by a SEZ unit. However, this norm is not applicable for sale of goods, for which payments could be made in the rupee terms.  The commerce ministry is working on a proposal to allow domestic companies to make payments in the rupee currency for services obtained from special economic zone units, sources said.  The proposal is aimed at promoting the growth of IT units in special Continue lendo