fevereiro 12, 2021

New Ford South Africa Special Economic Zone to generate 8,500 jobs

New Ford South Africa Special Economic Zone to generate 8,500 jobs

1 minuto Ford South Africa and various other suppliers began construction on the new Tshwane Automotive Special Economic Zone near the automaker’s headquarters in the capital of Pretoria last November. Now, the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition has received some updates on the project, which include some promising economic impacts. According to the department, the new Special Economic Zone is expected to create 8,500 jobs, 70 percent of which will go to local residents in Mamelodi and surrounding areas. The zone, which will Continue lendo

Two new economic zones to attract US$19.3 bln investment. Indonesia.

Two new economic zones to attract US$19.3 bln investment. Indonesia.

2 minutos The Indonesian government has projected that two new special economic zones (SEZ) in West and East Java would attract US$19.3 billion in investments, and thus support the business ecosystem in those regions. The new economic zones are Lido in West Java and Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) in Gresik, East Java. “The Lido special economic zone is expected to be able to boost tourism in Indonesia. The result must be clear, tourists to West Java must also be of international Continue lendo

More than 30 UK bidders ready to pursue 10 freeport zones

More than 30 UK bidders ready to pursue 10 freeport zones

3 minutos At least 30 ports and airports around the UK are considering bids for just 10 slots to become freeports — special economic zones that will benefit from lower taxes — which were presented by Brexiters as a benefit of leaving the EU. The level of interest will come as a boost to Boris Johnson, who has hailed freeports as a key tool in the UK prime minister’s “levelling-up” agenda aimed at tackling regional inequality. The deadline for bids in England is Friday Continue lendo