
XXVI Conferencia Zonas Francas IberoAmérica

XXVI Conferencia Zonas Francas IberoAmérica

menos de 1 minuto The Ibero-American Free Trade Zones Conference is the most important event for the sector, as it brings together operators, users, government entities, investors, consultants, and industry suppliers. This year, the city of Barcelona will be the host and more than 400 participants will meet for 3 days to discuss the main issues currently involving the sector. The Ibero-American Free Trade Zones Conference will coincide with the celebration of the Smart City Expo World Congress  that will be held at Fira de Continue lendo

U.S.-Africa Business Summit 2023

U.S.-Africa Business Summit 2023

menos de 1 minuto After almost three years of Pandemic and other challenges, I am proud and happy to inform you personally that our Post Pandemic program is ready. It’s focussed, but not limited with African Countries, and next week in Botswana during the US-AFRICA BUSINESS SUMMIT 2023, we will introduce a panel “Building the Next Generation of SEZ’s in Africa”. We have confirmed high level delegates from 17 African Countries, as well as an important group of USA potential Investors. This Event is Continue lendo

AICE 2023 disponível online

AICE 2023 disponível online

2 minutos A World FZO transmitirá o AICE 2023 online! De quarta-feira, 21 de junho, a sexta-feira, 23 de junho de 2023, todas as sessões serão transmitidas online, tornando mais fácil do que nunca participar e interagir com especialistas do setor e líderes.  As pessoas podem se registrar para ter acesso à plataforma virtual do AICE 2023 pelo link: https://www.cognitoforms.com/WorldFreeZonesOrganization1/RegisterForAICE2023VirtualPlatform No evento virtual, você terá a oportunidade de acessar todas as sessões e explorar a extensa programação do AICE 2023 e mergulhar em cada Continue lendo

ZPE do Piauí recebe rodada de negócios nesta sexta, 05/05/23.

ZPE do Piauí recebe rodada de negócios nesta sexta, 05/05/23.

1 minuto Uma rodada de negócios onde serão apresentadas soluções será realizada, nesta sexta-feira (5), em Parnaíba, a partir das 8h. É o 1º Reverse Pitch Day, evento promovido pela Tech Export HUB – espaço voltado para tecnologia, inovação e empreendedorismo na Zona de Processamento de Exportação do Piauí (ZPE do Piauí). O encontro é uma iniciativa das startups do Tech HUB instaladas na ZPE, com o apoio da Investe Piauí, e será uma conexão do ecossistema de inovação entre startups, investidores, corporações e Continue lendo

Free trade zones and global supply chain

Free trade zones and global supply chain

7 minutos There is a global trend of providing special facilities to businesses to join the global supply chain and expand business to other markets. Businesses get advantage from bonded warehouses and free trade zones (FTZs) while joining international supply chains. These facilities relate to global trends in manufacturing, outsourcing, business mobility and the whole process is known as globalisation.  Bonded warehouses and FTZs are secure areas in which imported dutiable merchandise or raw materials are stored until these undergo manufacturing operations without the Continue lendo