Resultado das propostas de Pezão após três anos de mandato

Resultado das propostas de Pezão após três anos de mandato

menos de 1 minuto Após três anos no comando do estado, o governador Luiz Fernando Pezão teve projetos comprometidos pela crise financeira que assolou as contas do Rio. O Globo publica hoje o resultado de todas as 100 promessas assinadas por Pezão e publicadas no jornal um dia após sua vitória nas urnas. Uma delas era estimular a criação de distritos industriais em todas as regiões do Rio. A única nova zona criada em todo o período de três anos foi a Zona de Continue lendo

Hub de gás é aposta para atrair empresas exportadoras para o Açu

Hub de gás é aposta para atrair empresas exportadoras para o Açu

1 minuto Local terá investimentos de R$ 7 bilhões em projeto de gás natural, incluindo terminal GNL para regaseificar até 42 milhões de m³/dia. O hub de gás em desenvolvimento no Porto do Açu poderá atrair empresas que usam o gás natural como matéria prima para a nova Zona de Processamento de Exportação (ZPE), criada nesta quarta-feira (27/12), no Porto do Açu (RJ). Com R$ 7 bilhões de investimentos, o hub terá duas termelétricas e um terminal de regaseificação de GNL, com capacidade de Continue lendo

SEZ firms begin enjoying investment tax cuts

SEZ firms begin enjoying investment tax cuts

menos de 1 minuto Businesses operating in special economic hubs will from Monday start deducting the investment capital on buildings and machinery from their taxes. Under the Finance Act 2017, capital expenditure by Special Economic Zones (SEZ) on buildings and machinery qualify for a 100 per cent investment deduction in the year in which the building or machinery is first used. For investments outside Nairobi and Mombasa counties, SEZs are entitled to claim investment deductions at 150 per cent in the first year of Continue lendo

Kazakh parliament defines status of special economic zones

Kazakh parliament defines status of special economic zones

menos de 1 minuto The presentation of the bill “On introducing changes and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on special economic and industrial zones, attracting investments, developing and promoting exports” was held in the Kazakh parliament. “In current legislation on SEZ (special economic zones), the authorized body is a specific ministry, regional administrations, but the status of special economic zones is not defined. These problems will be eliminated in the framework of work on this bill,” said Meiram Pshembaev, Continue lendo

Take advantage of economic zones

Take advantage of economic zones

1 minuto Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu yesterday invited Indian entrepreneurs to invest in Special Economic Zones (SEZs), saying the government was providing all necessary support to run business smoothly and make profits. “The government of Bangladesh is setting up 100 SEZs for foreign and local investment. The investors of India, especially from north eastern region, may take advantage of the attractive package of incentives offered by the government at the economic zones,” he said while inaugurating the “30th Industrial Indian Trade Fair (IITF)” Continue lendo

Malaysia’s New Digital Initiative to Booth eCommerce

Malaysia’s New Digital Initiative to Booth eCommerce

1 minuto DFTZ represents the nation’s 2025 vision to facilitate and generate up to US$65 billion worth of goods movement for export, import and transshipment using eCommerce. This national initiative also strives to achieve the aspirations of the Malaysian National eCommerce Strategic Roadmap (NESR) launched in 2016 which is to double the growth of Malaysian eCommerce. DFTZ and many other initiatives under NESR upholds the eCommerce Imperative; eCommerce is a critical stepping block to “future proof” existing business as well as “expand market access”. Continue lendo

Unemployment lowest in free trade zones

Unemployment lowest in free trade zones

menos de 1 minuto   No one is jobless in Kish Free Trade Zone, the unemployment rate in Qeshm FTZ (about 6%) is half the country’s average and the number of jobless is very low in Aras FTZ, the secretary of High Council of Free Zones said. “The highest unemployment rates among FTZs have been registered for Arvand and Khorramshahr due to lack of infrastructures in the aftermath of Iran-Iraq War (1980–88),” Morteza Bank was also quoted as saying by the Persian daily Shahrvand. Continue lendo

Reforman Ley de Zonas Francas para fomentar inversión

Reforman Ley de Zonas Francas para fomentar inversión

menos de 1 minuto La Asamblea Legislativa actualizó, este miércoles,  la Ley de Zonas Francas  Industriales y de Comercialización, la medida tomada por las legisladoras y legisladores permitirá contar con regulaciones eficientes y tramites fáciles para el establecimiento y desarrollo de las zonas francas del país, y propiciará una mayor inversión, según consignaron en el decreto avalado con ese propósito. Para aprobar la reforma, el Legislativo consideró que los Estados Unidos, a través de la Corporación del Reto del Milenio y la República de Continue lendo

Bolívia sinaliza que irá fornecer gás de forma ininterrupta a Mato Grosso

Bolívia sinaliza que irá fornecer gás de forma ininterrupta a Mato Grosso

1 minuto O Governo boliviano acenou positivamente para uma proposta de contrato firme de fornecimento de gás natural a Mato Grosso. Essa sociedade permitirá a garantia do fornecimento do gás em quantidade suficiente ao setor industrial e também do gás de cozinha às residências mato-grossenses. O anúncio foi feito após reunião da equipe técnica do Estado e da Bolívia, em visita ao governador em exercício Carlos Fávaro na tarde desta quinta-feira (04). “O governador se dedicou muito para isso e nós temos desde o começo Continue lendo

For Shanghai, it definitely aims at the highest international standards in developing a free-trade port

For Shanghai, it definitely aims at the highest international standards in developing a free-trade port

2 minutos With China’s commerce minister Zhong Shan offering verbal support to building the country’s free-trade ports this week, Beijing’s renewed efforts to pick up the free-trade mantle could contain some substance this time. To accelerate the opening-up of the Chinese economy, Zhong said greater freedom should be given to the local governments in running the free-trade zones, which would eventually be developed into free-trade ports. His statement was published on Tuesday by the Ministry of Commerce. Zhong is the latest senior government official to Continue lendo