junho 9, 2018

China’s special economic zones: an analysis of policy to reduce regional disparities

China’s special economic zones: an analysis of policy to reduce regional disparities

menos de 1 minuto There is no doubt that major regional disparities exist within China. The gap between its eastern coastal regions compared with the central and western regions has only grown wider over time. China’s special economic zones (SEZs) are defined as small geographical areas that allow the integration of free-market principles to attract additional foreign investment. However, the creation and success of SEZs has led to prosperity in the coastal regions of China, creating additional economic disparity between regions. This paper posits Continue lendo

A critical evaluation of how free trade zones and maritime activities impact on port development: A case study of the Port of Kingston

A critical evaluation of how free trade zones and maritime activities impact on port development: A case study of the Port of Kingston

1 minuto This dissertation is a study to reveal the degree of impact which free trade zone operations and maritime activities impact on the development of the Port of Kingston. Furthermore, provides a clarification as to the growth of the global economy, causes a significant demand for port capacity. Therefore, additional investment in port infrastructure is required for ports in order for them to maintain their viability and success. Importantly based on the results of the logistics performance index and the doing business report Continue lendo

Special economic zones:  An operational review of their impacts

Special economic zones: An operational review of their impacts

5 minutos Special Economic Zones (SEZs) have become an increasingly popular instrument to promote economic development. Over the last two decades, in particular, SEZs have proliferated in emerging and transition economies. States promoting zones have sought to stimulate economic development both within and outside the zone. Within the zone, states aim to attract investment that will lead to new firms and jobs, and to facilitate skills and technology transfers. Outside the zone, states aim to generate synergies, networks, and knowledge spillovers to foster additional economic Continue lendo