dezembro 9, 2018

Learn about the “Free Trade Zone Regime” in Costa Rica

Learn about the “Free Trade Zone Regime” in Costa Rica

2 minutos Costa Rica is a strategic destination for the operation of multinational companies in sectors such as services, advanced manufacturing, life sciences, and light manufacturing. To date, more than 250 leading companies worldwide have chosen the country as a place to expand their operations. Encouraging foreign investment, commercial exchange and employment generation is the main reason for the Free Trade Zone Regime (RZF) in Costa Rica, a measure that can be taken by national and foreign companies wishing to develop their operations in the country. The Continue lendo

China revamps free trade zones as US feud persists

China revamps free trade zones as US feud persists

2 minutos China is expanding its pilot free trade zones as President Xi Jinping raises the banner of deregulation to lure more foreign capital while the U.S. trade war continues unabated. Xi recently touted plans to expand the Shanghai free trade zone, citing its important role in the country’s more open economy. The government will “support bold and creative steps by Shanghai to advance investment and trade liberalization … so that more of its successful practices may be replicated in other parts of China,” Xi Continue lendo

Hainan FTZ launches multi-billion projects

Hainan FTZ launches multi-billion projects

1 minuto Hainan Free Trade Zone this week launched 100 construction projects with a total investment of 29.8 billion yuan ($4.29 billion) from local governments and enterprises in and outside of Hainan. A grand ceremony was held in Haikou, the capital city of China’s southernmost Hainan province, on November 28 to mark the commencement of these projects. Located in major cities and counties around the tropical island, the projects include major infrastructure work such as the second-phase Haixiu expressway and the international convention and exhibition Continue lendo