março 14, 2023

Free trade zones and global supply chain

Free trade zones and global supply chain

7 minutos There is a global trend of providing special facilities to businesses to join the global supply chain and expand business to other markets. Businesses get advantage from bonded warehouses and free trade zones (FTZs) while joining international supply chains. These facilities relate to global trends in manufacturing, outsourcing, business mobility and the whole process is known as globalisation.  Bonded warehouses and FTZs are secure areas in which imported dutiable merchandise or raw materials are stored until these undergo manufacturing operations without the Continue lendo

Partnerships show the way for special economic zones

Partnerships show the way for special economic zones

4 minutos The goal of industrialising the South African economy is a major objective of the Special Economic Zone programme. These zones (which include Industrial Parks) are intended as catalysts for economic growth in established sectors and in stimulating new industries. Collaboration between national government (through the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, the dtic, which oversees the programme), provincial departments and municipalities, economic development agencies and private companies in key sectors is a vital component in making Special Economic Zones work. As defined Continue lendo