Ghana Free Zone CEO visit AFZA office in Abuja

Tempo de leitura: 2 minutos

The Executive Secretary of Africa Free Zones Association Mr Chris Ndibe said the Association is geared toward assisting the over 600 Free Zones in the continent to realise their optimal potential with its numerous programmes which it plans to execute fully this year and beyond.

Ndibe said this when the Chief Executive Officer of Ghana Free Zone Board, Mr Michael Okyere Baafi, Visited him in his office in Abuja recently Mr Baafi visited AFZA office in company of two staff, Mr Ziblim Alhassan Betintiche and one other.

Mr Baafi who also visited the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority said that the purpose of their visit to Nigeria was to use the opportunity to meet with stakeholders in Free Zone Scheme to discuss areas of common interest and how they can collaborate to develop synergy that can move the Free Zone Scheme in the continent forward.

He stated that lack of good Research and Development is seriously affecting the development of the scheme in Africa. “R&D would have been providing the knowledge base of progressing the scheme with valid information on value chain among Zones of the continent; by exposing and creating new markets for Free Zones products and services.

The Executive Secretary of AFZA who was in company of AFZA Technical Adviser, Mr Chidi Nzerem, said that AFZA is set out to lead member Zones to achieving Free Zones of the future.  Chris Ndibe rolled out the programme the Association has for its members which includes building databank, R&D reports, capacity building which will lead to a sustainable and prosperous future for the zones.

He said that all that is required from member zones/countries is cooperation to consolidate all the support services relating to the growth and development of the scheme in Africa. “Working collectively as a body will be more beneficial to member zones and will facilitate their voice to African Union”. Mr Ndibe reiterated that AFZA is ever ready to assist member zones and countries searching n sourcing Resource Persons for training and development policy framework.

Mr Ndibe also commended President Mohammadu Buhari in revisiting the development of Continental Free Trade Area issue at the recently concluded AU Summit but added that incorporating Free Zone Scheme in CFTA discussion will give faster result. “This is what he AU Department of Trade and industry should assist in doing, he said.

Mr Ndibe commended the robust website of GFZB and pleaded with the CEO to consider hosting the 2018 AFZA convention in Acra-Ghana which he promised tabling before his Board for consideration.

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