setembro 2019

Free trade zones linking China, Russia & The Eurasian Economic Union

Free trade zones linking China, Russia & The Eurasian Economic Union

1 minuto The increasing bilateral trade ties between Russia and China – growing at half a billion dollars a month, and set to double to US$200 billion by 2024 – are seeing a parallel interest growing in how this trade can best be serviced. Russia and China are often in the position of supplier and consumer, especially for energy, however that is now being joined by other manufacturing, IT and new hi-tech industries on both sides.  This is partially driven by China’s Belt & Continue lendo

A China encontrou, Israel encontrou… e o Brasil, ainda não

A China encontrou, Israel encontrou… e o Brasil, ainda não

3 minutos Uma viagem recente à China deixou mais claro para mim quanto o país mudou nos últimos anos. Os ecossistemas de inovação chineses têm um componente forte de curiosidade, abertura ao novo e ao mundo. Compartilha essas características com outros dos mais famosos polos globais, como Austin (onde ocorre o SXSW, maior festival de inovação do mundo), Berlim ou o Vale do Silício. Mas um fator diferencia a China desses lugares em países ricos, e a aproxima de Israel. Cada região tem características únicas. Em Israel, a inovação Continue lendo

The macroeconomic impact of Special Economic Zones (SEZ): comparison among European regions

The macroeconomic impact of Special Economic Zones (SEZ): comparison among European regions

1 minuto Cluster policies are among the key tools to achieve economic development goals within regional economic  planning. The establishment of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) represents a typology of policy approach implemented by legislative authorities of the countries in order to achieve these objectives of significant economic development.  In the European Union (EU) the Commission is required to adopt the decision about the establishment of a free zones within the Member States: at present there are 91 functioning zones. These SEZs are interesting both for investors – who may benefit  from special privileges in taxation, custom duties or access to infrastructure – and for the residents of the Zones, who may have tax reductions on income, property, transportation. Nonetheless, being influenced by several features, the SEZs’ success varies. This study analyzes the general European framework of the ZESs to compare the role of the diferent regions in achieving economic development objectives. By using macroeconomic indicators from 2000 to 2016 for Continue lendo

Banks wary of financing special economic zones

Banks wary of financing special economic zones

2 minutos The government’s plan to boost economic growth through Special Economic Zones (SEZs) is experiencing a setback because leading banks are wary of financing them. The banks justify their concern by saying that there is a lack of specific regulations on this.       BIBM Training Director Professor Shah Md Ahsan Habib said that “Banks need to boost funding so that the construction of 100 SEZs in Bangladesh can be completed soon. Moreover, better cooperation among the Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority, the National Board of Continue lendo

Banco Brics vai investir no Brasil em 2020 e inclui Piauí na primeira cota

Banco Brics vai investir no Brasil em 2020 e inclui Piauí na primeira cota

1 minuto O governador Wellington Dias recebeu, no escritório da Superintendente de Representação do Piauí em Brasília, nesta quarta-feira  (11), a direção do escritório regional das Américas do banco do BRICS, Marcos Thadeu Abicalil e a Claudia Prates. Na ocasião, os representantes do banco BRICS afirmaram que o banco tem pretensão de trabalhar com o Piauí e manifestaram desejo de conhecer melhor e estreitar relações com o Consórcio Nordeste. “Eles estiveram no encontro da Associação Brasileira de Infraestrutura, em Teresina, e aqui, de forma Continue lendo