setembro 2019

Are special economic zones in emerging countries a catalyst for the growth of surrounding areas?

Are special economic zones in emerging countries a catalyst for the growth of surrounding areas?

1 minuto What is the impact of special economic zones (SEZs) in emerging countries on the economy of surrounding areas? Despite the popularity of SEZs as a policy tool in virtually all developing countries around the world, there is little evidence to date which systematically analyses this question. This paper sheds light on this topic by examining the economic growth spillovers generated by 346 SEZs in 22 emerging countries.  The analysis uses night light data as a proxy for SEZ performance as well as Continue lendo

Uberaba avança em tratativas da ZPE com o Governo Federal

Uberaba avança em tratativas da ZPE com o Governo Federal

1 minuto A Zona de Processamento de Exportação (ZPE) de Uberaba estará em pauta na próxima reunião do Conselho Nacional das Zonas de Processamento de Exportação (CNZPE), prevista para ocorrer até o final do mês de setembro em Brasília. A reunião é importante e decisiva já que Uberaba espera desde março a votação do novo pedido de prazo para as obras de infraestrutura. O secretário de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Turismo e Inovação de Uberaba, José Renato Gomes informa que será protocolado na segunda-feira (9) o Continue lendo

South Africa seeks to lure Chinese investment in special economic zones

South Africa seeks to lure Chinese investment in special economic zones

1 minuto South African government officials will this week go to China to showcase investment opportunities in the African country’s special economic zones (SEZs). The South African Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Fikile Majola said Monday they will hold the special economic zones roadshow in China’s Chengdu city on Sept. 5-6. “The Special Economic Zones Program has now entered a full implementation phase, with designated SEZs continuing to show a positive progress in terms of the number of investors operating in the zones,” Continue lendo

Special economic zones: methodological issues and definition

Special economic zones: methodological issues and definition

menos de 1 minuto Over the decades, the universe of special economic zones (SEZs) has become considerably more complex with the multiplication of “zones” with new and modi ed objectives. This research note has two objectives. First, it provides a more complete clari cation of terminologies in use. This is intended to facilitate the identi cation of the different types of SEZs − a term that UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2019 (WIR 2019) utilizes as generic concept − and to highlight the key differences Continue lendo

Transnational corporations: special issue on special economic zones

Transnational corporations: special issue on special economic zones

1 minuto Volume 26 number 2 of the Transnational Corporations journal is a special issue dedicated to special economic zones (SEZs) and their potential as vehicles for development. The issue grew out of research and background papers that fed into UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2019, the thematic focus of which was SEZs.  In compiling this issue, we sought to contextualize the emergence of SEZs, their evolution, and the associated policy trajectories that underpin them. This introductory paper amalgamates observations from the broader academic literature, Continue lendo